Apache Beehive moved into the Attic in January 2010. Apache Beehive was a simple object model built on J2EE and Struts that used annotations to reduce the amount of required code.

If you are looking for a project to use in place of Beehive, the following have been suggested for its components:

  • Beehive NetUI / Page Flow - Struts 2 or Spring Web Flow
  • Beehive Controls - Spring Beans
  • Beehive WSM (web service metadata) - Axis2's implementation of JSR-181
Read-only Resource Link(s)
Website beehive.apache.org/
Mailing List Archives dev | commits | user
Issue Tracker (JIRA) BEEHIVE
Wiki cwiki.apache.org: beehive
Source Code (Subversion) svn.apache.org/repos/asf/beehive/
Board Reports Minutes
Downloads archive.apache.org/dist/beehive/ | KEYS

As with any project in the Attic - if you should choose to fork Beehive outside of Apache, please let us know so we can link to your project.

Archived versions of Beehive may be downloaded from the Apache Archives.